Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

On this Sunday, a theatrical performance was held in the square in front of the Royal Palace, dedicated to the events that took place on this place on may 2, 1808.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

On October 17, 1807, Napoleon's army invaded the territory of Spain, which had long lost its status as a great Empire as a result of endless Palace intrigues.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

March 23, 1808 Marshal Joachim Murat's troops occupied Madrid.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

Under the dictation of the French king Charles IV signed a decree to abdicate in favor of his son.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

After that, both were invited by Napoleon to France, where they were treacherously arrested.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

In the Royal Palace had an only daughter and the youngest son of Charles IV, which Murat tried to send to France, but it caused mass indignation of the citizens of Madrid.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

In the morning on may 2 to the Palace spontaneously organized groups of citizens began to stretch.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

The rebels entered the Palace, trying to take under the protection of the heirs of the throne, as symbols of Spanish statehood.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

To stop the riots Murat sent to the Palace of grenadiers.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

And a few artillery pieces.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

The rebels refused to leave the Palace and the square, after which the crowd was fired.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808 Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808 Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

Since then, the riots have engulfed the entire city, armed with whatever the residents began to cut French soldiers on the streets.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

Real battles began around the Palace and in the squares.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

To suppress the uprising Murat was forced to enter the city the bulk of the troops stationed outside Madrid.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

By the evening of may 3, the resistance was broken.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

And on the streets lay hundreds of dead citizens.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

After the suppression of the rebellion and the repression started.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

By order of Murat, all rebels captured with weapons in their hands were shot. This tells the famous painting by Francisco Goya " the Third of may in Madrid".

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

The response to the brutality of the French was a large-scale, popular guerrilla war, which ended in the expulsion of Napoleon's army from Spain. And may 2, the day of the uprising, declared a regional holiday (Madrid Day).

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

The most dramatic episodes of the Madrid uprising became the theme of this historical reconstruction.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808

The role of the rebels, and Napoleonic soldiers were played by residents of the city.

Historical reconstruction of the Madrid uprising of 2 may 1808