El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

The most famous market in Madrid occupies the entire length of the street (La Ribera de Curtidores), stretching its appendices into side alleys. This is the so-called mercado al aire libre - "free market on air", or mercadillo.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

The market is open on Sundays and public holidays, today was Thursday, but may 2 is Madrid's Day, so I planned to visit it in advance.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

In General, I found nothing particularly outstanding - the same usual assortment of inexpensive Chinese clothing and interior items.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

There was also no customer excitement, as there were clearly more sellers than buyers. Maybe it's busier on Sundays.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

From the souvenir products are still the same kitsch that you can buy in the center, well, maybe here a little cheaper than on the tourist trails.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

In General, nothing "flea", as promised by various travel portals, I did not find here.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

Помимо уличной торговли, здесь масса магазинчиков, торгующих оригинальным товаром, как например эта Marihuana. Еще я видел несколько антикварных лавок, в том числе и с кино-фото аппаратурой, но они были были закрыты - праздник же! Возможно, кто придет сюда в обычное воскресение, увидит больше интересного.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

Almenara Decoracion furniture shop-workshop.

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)

And of course, what market is there without street musicians?

Madrid. The El Rastro Market (Mercadillo El Rastro)